Our priority exercise and topic selection

Our priority exercise and topic selection

In 2024 we conducted a priority exercise to identify the most important topics in the area of emergency and critical care, prioritizing the selection of topics for systematic reviews. This process is crucial to ensure that we address the most pressing and impactful issues in the field.

Our prioritization process involved several key steps:

  1. Identifying Key Topics: We began identifying a broad range of potential topics through a survey. The survey was sent to clinicians, researchers, and stakeholders and was open to the public. This survey covered topics related to the burden of disease, gaps in current knowledge, and emerging trends in emergency and critical care. Read more about the survey and stakeholder identification methods.
  2. Stakeholder Engagement: We gathered input from patients, healthcare providers, policymakers, and other relevant parties to understand their perspectives and priorities.
  3. Assessment of Impact: We prioritized topics that have the potential to significantly improve patient care and health system efficiency.
  4. Evidence Gap Analysis: We conducted a thorough analysis of existing evidence to identify areas where high-quality systematic reviews are most needed. This helps in focusing our efforts on topics with insufficient or conflicting evidence. Read more about our gap analysis methods.
  5. Feasibility and Timeliness: We considered the feasibility of conducting a systematic review on each topic, including the availability of data and resources. Additionally, we prioritized topics that are timely and relevant to current clinical practice and policy debates.
  6. Expert Review and Consensus: Through a consensus process, we finalized the list of priority topics that will guide our systematic review efforts.

By following this rigorous prioritization process, we ensure that our systematic reviews are both relevant and impactful, ultimately contributing to better patient care and informed decision-making in emergency and critical care settings.

We performed this prioritization exercise as a joint action by the First Aid Field, the Pre-hospital and Emergency Care Field, contributors from the former Injuries Review Group, as well as the Cochrane Anesthesia Review Group and Cochrane Emergency & Critical Care.

Priority topics in Emergency and Critical Care

Organizational Interventions
Work Safety, Burnout Prevention, Preparedness, Overcrowding, Inter-facility Treatment

Behavioural and Mental Health
Acute Behavioral Disturbances, Suicide (Attempted), Anxiety, Delirium

Critical Care and Resuscitation
Optimizing ICU Interventions & Efficiency, ECMO & Respiratory Support, Vasopressors & Fluids, Acute Respiratory Failure
Cardiac Arrest, Shock (Septic, Hemorrhagic, Cardiogenic), Trauma, & Injury Prevention

Clinical Conditions
Rehabilitation & Recovery
Diagnostic Uncertainties
Crisis in Pregnancy & Prehospital Birth
Multiple Chronic Conditions, Chronic Illness, Polymedicine, & Heart Failure

Education and Training
Staff and Patient Education
First Aid Training, Teaching Emergency Medicine, Shared Decision Making, Handover, End-of-Life Care in the ED